Vehicle title must be properly signed (make sure to verify the seller ID to match the name to the vehicle's title, if you are unsure, stop by our office and we will verify for you).
Purchase Nevada Insurance for the vehicle in the name of the person who will register the vehicle.
If your vehicle is 3 years or older you will also need a Nevada Smog Check.
You will need to have the vehicle VIN Inspection done by a DMV Inspector if the vehicle has not been title or registered in Nevada. (This step quick at the inspection site at the Nevada DMV locations).
Most recent LES.
Non-Resident, Active Duty Military Governmental Services Tax Exemption Affidavit VP203. Which need to be sign by Company Commander or Authorized Officer. (Please make sure to write the state abbreviation for your income tax listed on the LES).
If the vehicle owner is unable to come to the office, the Application for Vehicle Registration VP222 form will need to be signed.