Normal Business Hours:  Monday - Friday 8:30am - 6pm | Sat - Sun Closed

Making DMV Transaction Easy as 123!

AA DMV Services is NOT the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles. AA DMV Services is a Private Business that you hire to process your vehicle related transaction at the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles.
Should you need to process for a Identification Card, Driver License, Written or Drive Test please visit

Lost your Car Title?

Loosing your cars' title is a frustrating situation. Not finding what options are available to your situation can be even more frustrating. Come see us. Our staff will go over what ever documentation you have and will go over with you on what options you have in obtaining a replacement or available process to title the vehicle into your name.

What Our customers are saying:

Buen servicio!
Best dmv service in Las Vegas!!
Great customer service very helpful and friendly that's why I am a returning customer.
Enjoyable working with you. I'll be back. Thank you, Will

Let's us know how we can help you!

Name E-mail
Transaction Type
Moving Permits
Cancel Plates
Vehicles Information: Year | Make | VIN Message Submit
Any complaints concerning the registrant and a violation of NRS 240A may be directed to, Secretary of State, 1-800-450-8594, option 6, or
Any complaints that involves an allegation that the registrant is engaged in the unauthorized practice of law may be directed to State Bar of Nevada, 1-800-254-2797 or

Registrant is not an attorney authorized to practice in this State and is prohibited from providing legal advice or legal representation to any person.

Business License
  • City of North Las Vegas: BL107980 Expires January 31,2025

  • State of Nevada Business: NV20151689040 Expires November 30,2024

  • Bond No. NV5127185


Registrants have registered and filed with the Secretary of State the required insurance bond in the amount of $50,000.00

  • Francisco Arias NVDP2014515174 Expires July 24, 2025

  • Troy U. Arias NVDP2014515172 Expires July 24, 2025

  • Jessica S. Glenn NVDP2014515171 Expires April 24, 2024

  • Francisco J. Borbon-Salas NVDP20238216482   Expires September 19, 2024